Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Special Event: Thursday 2/4

How Can We End The Inhumane Roundups of America’s Wild Horses?
A Presentation by Elyse Gardner, Humane Observer 
Please join Elyse for an informative evening
Thursday February 4th, 2010 from 7-9 PM
in the Excalibur Room at Roundtable Pizza
1520 E Washington Street, Petaluma CA 94954 ~ (707) 762-1861

For more information or carpooling call 707-695-6388
photo: Kurt Golgart


  1. Elyse - Kudos to you and all who were there filming and tracking! For those of us who can't be there physically, please know that we're signing petitions on Care2 and writing personally trying to get someone's attention to the fact that the BLM, like every other government agency is paid by taxes and therefore works for US! The BS and runaround everyone is getting is becoming more and more public and hopefully we can put a stop to this with enough voices, letters, petitions, and people like you who are actually going there and making a presence known! Goddess bless you for your commitment and efforts and know we all send you support and energy. Jade Hawks

  2. How terrible that humans are so cruel when animals are so loving. These horses should be left alone. No more killing these magnificent and beautiful horses. They are not sick! They are living free like people. We are free to walk this earth. They should be free to run and enjoy their lifes!!!!

  3. When this shameful chapter in our history finally ends - and it WILL end - you will have the knowledge that you made a difference, Elyse. Your hard work and suffering has NOT been in vain. We will prevail.
